I recently took a retreat to the wild alone to seek comfort. I got a little fishing in and just spent time alone in the beautiful creation. I had a few heavy upsets in the family and needed to reconnect since I felt poured out like a drink offering the week before.
Through this experience I realized I was putting Him in a box. He has been tugging on my heart, asking me to listen to Him, and when I finally let go of everything I expected him to speak right away. As if! Who am I to expect something like that? It's funny, He didn't speak to me as I imagined. Rather, after spending a few days alone, I realized later that he did speak to me in the simplest of ways. He simply put this verse on my heart, "Be still and know that I am God". Those words still comfort and haunt me to this day.
Hey Man
I found your blog through the networks of moldy chum, etc. Good stuff here. I am not sure if you know Teeg Stouffer of REcycled Fish, a guy you should know. Kindred thoughts and spirits here.
You should post more, my wife (who is my fishing buddy) enjoyed your posts about you and your "hun."
Keep up the good work
I fould you blog through reviewing the Double Haul Bag. I run a busy Christian Outdoor Centre in the UK and took up Plugging for Sea Bass last summer - sunrises and sunsets and a chance to be still and know that God is God! Keep the faith!
Got to love Hot Creek, I am heading up there to ski and fish next week.
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